
TarMucks: Cthulhu Corporate Coffee, Comic, & Cup

Created by Oneshi Press

Cthulhu wants you asleep. TarMucks keeps you awake. Cthulhu-themed coffee, cups, comics, and more inside! Prices include shipping in the US.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

A Quick Fulfillment Update
over 1 year ago – Sat, Dec 17, 2022 at 03:38:45 PM

Hi, TarMucks drinker!

We wanted to send you a very quick note to tell you that our first shipment of beverages is due to arrive to Oneshi Press HQ on Monday, December 19! Hooray!

We've been waiting for these for much longer than anticipated due to weather (first Hurricane Ian hit Florida, where the coffee is being roasted and bagged; then several winter storms have hit us here in Montana) and other delays. But it's only a matter of days until we have them in hand!

As soon as they arrive, we will begin packing and shipping out your items. Stay tuned for an update when things start happening, along with some photos of the process!

Safe & swift,

Your friends at Oneshi Press, Jayel & Lynsey

Here's Another Campaign We Love…


Six youth awaken in a surreal landscape, unaware of how they got there, their memories hazy and jumbled. An ominous voice informs them; They are dead and this is Hell. Drama and conflict quickly blossom, and from them surprising phenomena emerge. Johnny, Barbie, Arthur, Dexter, Willow and Christine will come together, recall the history they share, and discover their destiny, together, IN HELL.

Click HERE to Visit "In Hell"!

Fulfillment Update!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Dec 01, 2022 at 07:55:55 PM

Hi, TarMucks sipper!

We have a few pieces of great news to share with you today!

First of all, it's currently snowing at Oneshi Press HQ, and we've just received a sever winter weather advisory for the next 36 hours. 

All of which means…it's officially cocoa season!

Update on Beverage Bags!

Which leads us to the second piece of great news: the coffee and cocoa bags are printed, and they're on schedule to be filled at the end of this week, then sent to us next week!

As soon as they land here, we will begin fulfilling coffee and cup orders!

That's excellent news, because it means that—barring any more hurricanes or other unforeseeable circumstances—we'll have your beverages to you before the holidays.

Some (Non-Beverage) Rewards Shipped!

Another piece of great news is that we've shipped out rewards to everyone who did nothave a cup and/or beverage in their order! 

So, if you ordered the comic, pin, print, stuffed Cthulhu, etc…but no cups or beverages

Keep your eyes on your email inbox for shipping info, and on your mailbox for your goodies!

Cups/Beverages-Inclusive Shipping Update!

For those of you who are receiving cups and/or beverages: 

Since they will be here soon, we will fulfill your beverage and cup orders at the same time that we fulfill your comic orders! Depending on location and shipping costs, we will take them on a case-by-case basis as to whether the rewards will be combined into one shipment or two, but they will go out at the same time, regardless.

Stay tuned. We'll have more news soon!

Don't Forget Digital Rewards!

In the meantime, don't forget to check out your digital rewards

You can download them all via BackerKit by clicking here! 


Be sure to check out our current campaign for the Destinations Anthology

This 140-page collection of short comics about arrivals and endings is chock-full of gorgeousness, brilliance, and inspiration from 30 diverse creators around the world! 

From ghost museums to faerie forests to backpacking trips to the bottom of the ocean and beyond, this collection has something for everyone!


Locking Addresses in 48 Hours + Shipping Update!
over 1 year ago – Sat, Nov 12, 2022 at 08:01:17 AM

Oh hi there, TarMucks drinker!

BIG news, folks!

We have decided to start shipping all NON-BEVERAGE and NON-CUP rewards to you next week!

There are two reasons we're doing this:

  • The beverages have been further delayed! The cups and beverages were pre-chosen to ship together in one package. So, we'll be shipping them together.
  • BUT…all the other rewards are here! The flat stuff—your comics, art prints, zines, stickers, postcards, and Mr. Guy minifigs—is here at Oneshi HQ, and we want to send it to you!

Since the flat stuff (comics, zines, art, etc.) can all ship in one package, while the cups and beverages ship in another package, we figured…why not get your flat rewards to you ASAP?

So shall it be! 

This way, you'll have fun goodies to enjoy sooner rather than later, and the fun of receiving rewards will get spread out. More packages = more fun, right?

With that in mind…

We're locking your addresses on Sunday! 

So, make sure to update your address in BackerKit if you've moved!

Keep your eyes on your email for shipping notifications, etc. And get ready to enjoy some rad rewards!

—Your pals at Oneshi Press, Lynsey & Jayel

(PS - Don't worry…we still plan to have your cups and beverages to you by the time the holidays roll around! We'll keep you updated on all things cups-n-coffee!)

Want more Oneshi Press? We've got a new Kickstarter LIVE right now: 


17 short comics. 30 diverse creators. 140 full-color pages. Explorations of endings, arrivals, and destiny itself.

From underwater antics to ghost museums to Antarctic exploration to Nigerian superheroes to Brooklyn's vigilante dogs and beyond, you're sure to find something you LOVE in DESTINATIONS!

Check it out now!

Here's Another Campaign We Want to Spend Eternity Staring Into…

The Cthulhu Man

Brilliant but unhinged scientist and neurosurgeon, Dr. Brook Douglas, has gotten rich selling cybernetic monsters to criminal syndicates, and she co-created the Shark of War. Now she's going to the next level - human experimentation.

She conducts the most gruesome experiments. Most die horribly, but a few survive, gaining incredible powers in the process. And they aren't happy about what she's done to them.

No one more so than the Cthulhu Man, a being who grows so powerful, nothing can contain him.

Click HERE to Visit "The Cthulhu Man"!

The Bags Are Off to the Printer!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 03:52:45 AM

Cthulhu fhtagn, TarMucks friend!

Great news today! Conditions in Florida are improving, and today, the bags for our coffees and cocoas are off to the printer!

They should be complete within three weeks, at which time they'll be filled with our delectable beverages, and then shipped to us!

In the meantime, we thought you might enjoy hearing about our next project from Oneshi Press…

The Destinations Anthology

This 140-page collection of short comics combines the work of 26 diverse indie creators from around the world. They each examined arrivals, endings, and the journeys that brought them to their destinations.

From time travel to superheroes to ghosts to back-country backpacking to hero dogs to airships and beyond, this anthology will inspire you, make you think, and take your breath away with its beauty!

The campaign to fund Destinations launches on November 8! Follow now by clicking the image above so you don't miss a moment of the excitement!

Safe & Swift,

—Lynsey & Jayel at Oneshi Press

Here's Another Campaign You'll Fhtagn Love…


DREAMQUEST is a complete, done-in-one tale that expands on Lovecraft's Dream Cycle--imagine Re-Animator meets Dream Warriors.

Between 1918 and 1932, HP Lovecraft wrote a series of stories set in the "Dreamlands." Several of the stories focus on the character of Randolph Carter, who's loosely based on Lovecraft himself. At the end of the Dream Cycle, Randolph has disappeared into the Dreamlands and is desperately trying to return home.

Our story starts with a brand new character of our own invention, Margo Carter, as she is contacted by Randolph in her dreams.

Click HERE to Visit "DreamQuest"!

Hurricanes Are Big Jerks + New Coffee Unlocked!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Oct 11, 2022 at 10:28:20 AM

Hey, TarMucks backer!

We think that hurricanes are big jerks. We're sure you agree.

This time, we're specifically angry at Hurricane Ian, because it battered the west coast of Florida recently. And the west coast of Florida is where our coffee roaster and packager—Comics on Coffee—is located!

Coffee & Cocoa Delayed

We're very grateful to report that everyone in the Comics on Coffee family is safe and well, and that their facilities were not badly damaged by the hurricane.

However, Florida's western coastline is a mess right now. From power outages to road closures to food, water, and gasoline shortages, things are running a lot slower there than they normally do.

All of which is to say that our orders for Get Java, Cthulhu Is Hard to Caffeinate, and Cocoa Is for Cthulhu have been delayed.

We'll keep you informed about their ETA as soon as we have one, but don't anticipate that the storm will cause more than a few weeks of setbacks. Thanks so much for your patience!

Oh, hey!

Speaking of coffee, we thought you'd be interested to hear that we've just unlocked a brand-new coffee straight from the Oneshiverse…

TarMucks: Xtra Dark!

When zombie apocalypse came to Dearth, things got dark—Xtra Dark. That’s why Mr. Guy: Zombie Hunter teamed up with TarMucks to make this most apocalyptic of brews. 

Sit back with a cup of dark roast flavor that’s surprisingly mellow. Because, if you’re going to face down a horde of the un-dead, you might as well enjoy getting caffeinated, first…

TarMucks: Xtra Dark is available ONLY through our Mr. Guy: Zombie Hunter preorder store! You can order one, three, or nine pouches a la carte, with no other purchase required!

Click HERE to Order TarMucks: Xtra Dark!

(The Xtra Dark will be delivered to us along with all our TarMucks-related coffee and cocoa orders, so they'll be sent out to our backers on the same timeline as those, as well.)

Ia! Ia! Ia!

—Lynsey & Jayel at Oneshi Press

Here's Another Campaign We Love…

Mirror Drawings

Our good friend Ryan Claytor is a cartoonist, a professor, and, apparently, a doodler! He's created a book of mirrored drawings that we absolutely love, and we think you'll be interested to see not only what's inside, but also how Oneshi Press inspired his vision for this campaign, too…

Mirror Drawings is an interactive, meditative, art book of Ryan Claytor's mirrored illustrations.

"Creating these drawings was restorative, weird, and FUN, but my hope is they'll provide a similar experience for YOU TOO! My plan is to print this book on high-quality uncoated paper so that YOU can COLOR them! Or if you'd rather, just allow their odd qualities to wash over you in glorious printed (or digital) form."

Click HERE to Visit "Mirror Drawings"!